Wednesday, February 16, 2011

3 weeks old tomorrow!

Tomorrow Hannah and Hailee will be 3 weeks old!  Their adjusted age is 33 weeks today.  It's hard to believe that if I was still pregnant I would still have another month or so to go until they would induce me for labor. 

The girls are both doing well.  We have had a couple setbacks, but they are doing good overall.  Hannah started having more "spells" over the weekend.  A spell is when the baby drops either her heart rate or oxygen level.  Hannah was having her spells because of her oxygen levels.  She was put on a nasal cannula to help her out.  The doctors say that this happens sometimes when a premature baby gets worn out and tired from breathing on her own.  She is on the lowest oxygen setting, but is still requiring the help.  Hopefully she will not need it anymore before long.  Hailee started spitting up a couple of her feeds the other night and had a big distended belly.  This is a concern of a very serious problem in preemies called NEC.  It's a gastrointestinal problem that requires antibiotics or surgery to correct.  They did an x-ray on Hailee's belly and did not see signs of the problem.  They are watching her closely now to be sure she doesn't start having more symptoms.  It sounds like as long as she can continue to tolerate her feeds and not spit them up that she should be fine.  Her belly still looks big, but maybe she is just taking after big sister Ella :)

Both girls have recently put on good weight.  Hailee now weighs 4lbs 5oz and Hannah weighs 3lbs 11oz.  The 34 weeks mark is when the girls can start trying to nipple feed.  A couple of the nurses have tried bottle feeding each baby this week, but they don't quite get it yet.  Once the girls are taking all of their feeds by bottle, they can come home.  So, this will be the next hurdle for both of them to overcome.  I am really excited to start trying to feed them by nipple versus through a feeding tube.  

Paul put together each girl's crib this week.  They look great in their room!  I can't wait to finish decorating and putting everything away.  I started getting out some of Ella's stuff for the twins this week too.  I got out her old play mat and she has been having a ball with it!  I set it up and she keeps head-butting all of the toys hanging down, just laughing and laughing.  I think she has used it more in the past 2 days than she ever did as a baby!

I love the little outfits that the girls can wear now.  Preemie size fits them perfectly, but not for long!  I think they will be growing out of them in no time!

Hailee on Valentine's Day




I added some cute pictures of Ella that we have gotten lately :)

Our little love bug

Ella's new "cheese" face

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