Tuesday, April 9, 2013

To continue or not?

I've been contemplating something for the past month or so....to keep my blog active or to quit altogether.  I have not blogged in a while now, and really, I just don't have time.  When I have ANY free time at all, I am generally working on stuff for my business.  Even that is just at nap time and after bed time.  I have been staying up later and later lately trying to keep up with everything and not fall behind.  So it is tough for me to find the time to write, edit and post photos, all for this "hobby" of mine.  Also, I have found that I don't have much to say lately.  Ha.  That is probably a good thing considering the fact that in 2011 and 2012 I had quite a few bad or sad experiences to write about.  I feel like I just write and post about random things just to have something to say.  The last thing I would ever want is for people to thing I am just bragging about things my kids have done, or things we have done, or rambling about random things that no one cares about.  I  don't want this blog to come across that way.

The number one reason I want to keep blogging is to someday have our story, all written out, for my kids and family to have forever.  I think that would be such a cool thing to hand down over time.  The other reason is that I do think, and have heard more than a couple times, that people have forwarded my blog on to other's with preemies or others that have had RSV and been hospitalized in the past.  I do feel that we have been a story of hope to other's in similar scary situations. 

With all of that being said, I will continue to blog for now.  I'll keep doing what I am doing, updating with random photos and thoughts.  Enjoy these recent photos from fun times outdoors!

Love this photo!  We recently got another Cozy Coupe for the girls to share.  Last year the three of them fought over the one we had. 

Ella's first big girl bike!  Yay!

Hannah.  Loving life!


Daddy teaching Ella how to ride.  How fun!

Love this one too!

Hailee and Hannah, and Ella for that matter, have taken a huge liking in our little t-ball set.  H&H are pretty much continually fighting over who gets to hit the ball next.

Hailee yelling at Hannah to stay away!  Ha!


  1. I've had many conflicting thoughts over doing the blog....I think once it becomes a burden, just ignore it, and don't feel bad for not posting often. It's nice to have it, like you say, to keep a record of your lives, and also to let people far away from you know how you are doing...and with that being said, I do not think your writing comes off as braggy at all! Mine probably does :-P because it's mostly turned into me sharing my creative endeavors...but people can think whatever they want. I know the reasons I post what I post, and it's not to brag, but share joy and enthusiasm that I have for what I

  2. Do, and to keep a record. (blogger must have thought my comment was too long, I couldn't edit it!). When all else fails with my thoughts on the blog, I think...at least my mother and mother-in-law enjoy it! :-P
