Wednesday, May 11, 2011

We had a good run...

with no colds!  Ella has had a cold since late last week and now Hannah and Hailee are both stuffy and congested too.  They don't seem too miserable at this point.  I just hope they don't get worse.  I have a call in to their doctor just to see what, if anything, I can be looking for as a sign to bring them in.  I am hoping she doesn't want to see them already, but won't be surprised if she does.  It's important to make sure fluid doesn't get into their lungs since they still aren't completely developed. 

Mother's Day with my 3 girls

I started taking a photography class this week.  I have always wanted to learn how to take better pictures for myself and for other people.  Paul bought me a digital SLR camera with a couple different lenses for my birthday this year.  I figured taking a class to learn more about my camera and taking better portraits was the next step.  I would eventually love to start my own business taking pictures of babies, children, and small families.  I have started by practicing on my own children and will then move on to other's children.  This is always something I've wanted to do and thought I would be good at.  I have the perfect test subjects to practice with and figure no time is better than now to start!  With the times that we have gotten professional portraits done, I always leave saying to myself "I could have done that"...or "I can see myself doing this."  I feel that with a photography business, I can be as flexible as I want.  I can work in the evenings or on the weekends as little or as much as I want while always keeping my family first priority.  I still have a lot to learn, but am so excited to be starting this new venture in my life!  Hopefully you will notice my pictures on here improving as time goes on!


  1. Last week was the first week in MONTHS that Marin has not had a drippy nose. It is back today. I was enjoying clean kisses from her. :-)

  2. You'll have to give me tips from your class! I've got a Nikon 3000 DSLR and 2 lenses, but I haven't ever taken a class -- I just watched the video that came with it, but I keep it on the "child" setting and don't try much in manual. And, you're welcome to use my girls to build your portfolio : )
