Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Baby Dedication

This past Sunday our church held a Baby Dedication for the new babies born to families of our church, Linworth Baptist.  We had planned on only Hailee and Hannah participating.  I went to MOPS (Moms of Preschoolers) at our church on Tuesday and the moms there told me that since we didn't go to this church when Ella was born that we should definitely include her.  So, all three of our girls ended up participating.  We went in front of the church with our children, along with 6 other families, introduced Ella, Hailee, and Hannah and Paul said a few things about them.  He thanked the church for all of their prayers and support when we needed it most this past year.  What he said was really nice.  I asked him afterwards if he had premeditated what he was going to say.  His response was that he had already forgotten what he said and that he just blacked out.  Ha! 

Each family then agreed to raise their children in the Christian faith.  Pastor prayed for all of us.  Each of our girls got a Bible with their full named imprinted on it.  They are so cute.  Ella didn't last in the front the whole time.  She ran back to my parents, Ryan, and Leah sitting in the pews.  It was a very nice service.  I'm so glad we did it.  I meant to take more pictures, but of course we were running late that morning and I had no time.  So, here are the few shots I got after church and our lunch out.

Ella had the CUTEST outfit on, but she would not for any reason even look at me for a picture, let alone give me a smile. 

Then she thought she was so funny wearing my glasses :)

Smiley Hannah

Hailee looks like she's saying "what now mom?"

Snacking it up on the floor

Hailee cracking up at me :)  Love it!

Hannah says "hi mom!"

My twinkies :)

Ohio State Game

This past Saturday we went to friend's house for the Ohio State game.  All of our girls were dressed for the event.  I had to share some of these adorable pictures.
I took Ella's Minnie Mouse cash register away for the picture, and she wasn't happy about it.

That's better, but then I couldn't even get her to look up at me!

Two cute!  (haha, get it ;)

They love their jeggings!

There's a smile from Ella!  Showing off her Ohio pride!!

Better view of their onesies :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Updates, other than Ella turning 2 :)

Hailee and Hannah have been doing great! They eat their baby food like champs! I'm talking 1-2 jars per baby per feeding. They eat 5-6 oz. per bottle every 3-4 hours. I have no idea what they each weigh because they haven't been to the doctor in about a month and a half. They are in about 6-12 month clothes now. I just started them in 3-6 month a few weeks ago and they have nearly grown out of them all! Good thing I didn't have very many of that size. Hailee is ever so close to sitting up on her own. She still needs support, and does lean forward but she is almost there. Hannah, not so much. Hopefully soon for her too! The girls will be 6 months adjusted age on October 6th. Since sitting is a 6 month milestone, they are still following their adjusted age. They have until they are two years old to catch up!
Almost a sitter!

Hannah would rather just chill for now ;)

Or eat a toy...

Hailee eats everything is sight as well.
Both girls are still drooling and teething like crazy!

I would say Ella hit the terrible two's before she was two.  She is sure a handful, but most of the time I can't help but laugh at her adorableness!

Ella got this princess dress from the Goff's for her birthday. She wants to wear it every day. 

She LOVES the matching shoes. 

I sometimes hide the dress from her just to prevent a meltdown that day when I
make her take it off and get back in her regular clothes.

One morning I told Ella she had to eat all of her bananas before we went bye bye for the day.  I was happy that next time I came in to the family room they were gone.  This is where I then found the bananas when I went to put Ella's shoes on her.
Surprise, surprise, the squishy face is back!

Ella likes to sit in her Bitty Baby crib.  I guess she just doesn't want to grow up!

Baby dolls are still Ella's favorite toy to play with. 

Ella's Second 2nd Birthday Party

Yes, Ella had two birthday parties this year.  On Sunday we had a family get together to celebrate Ella turning two!  Ella was just adorable opening her gifts.  She had so much fun and got so many nice things!  Plus, she ate three (yes, three) pieces of cake!!  I did not really allow this, but it's hard to tell Uncle Don not to do something ;)
Ella's fantastic cake made by Denise!

Ready for some presents!

Julia was such a good helper!

Lots of family

Hailee and Erika

Daddy and the birthday girl

Hailee, Emme, Hannah, and Lauren
All of the great grandchildren.  This didn't work out so well....

What a cutie!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ella's 2nd birthday party

We had Ella's birthday party at the Firefly Play Cafe.  Ella, the twins, and I usually go here every Wednesday to play and Ella has a blast!  The party was planned for our house, but as the chance of rain became greater all week long, I called to see if they had any party openings for Sunday.  They had one cancellation from someone else that was the exact time of Ella's party.  It was meant to be!  Even better, they gave us the space for half off!  What a deal! 

I am SO glad we had the party at Firefly!  The kids had so much fun!  Let alone the fact that there was much more room for the 30 adults and kids to relax, play, and have a good time.  No clean up, no worries for us...it was awesome! 

I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted to.  I didn't get nearly all the people or even all of the kids that were there :(  I don't even have one of both twins together.  I think my mom may have a few, which I'll add at a later date if I get them from her.  As any parent knows, it is hard to photograph your own kid's party. 

Ella loved carrying around her huge bouquet of balloons...

and hiding behind them!

Happy little birthday girl!

All Ella ate for lunch was 3 chips, 3 pieces of cheese, and 4 of these Juicy Juices!
 I don't give her juice at home, so she must have been pleasantly surprised at how good they were! 

I love planning my kid's birthday parties, and I LOVE making up treat bags for all of Ella's little friends!

The cake was a huge hit!  Too cute!

Peek!  Where's Ella??

Aunt Leah and Hailee

Ella right before she fell backwards off this thing and cried.


Ella loves the slide here!

The big bouncer!

Ella would never go in this thing before her party day.  I don't think she wanted to be left out with all of her friends jumping!
I wonder if she will try it out next time we visit Firefly, or if it was a one time thing.

She sure loved it this time though!

Ella's face the whole time we all sang to her.  I'm pretty sure she was extremely intimidated.

Oh yes, and she of course ate a piece of her cake :)

It looks like she is waiting for present time, but really she was eating her cake on this bench. 
Maybe just admiring all of the presents?

Adelynn and Owen on the seasaw


Bethany and Colton

Ella started putting on some of her new clothes.

One of her favorite gifts was her Bitty Baby crib from Gampa and Gammy. 
Adelynn looks like she's eyeing it up too ;)