Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fun at the park!

The other day the girls and I went down to the park when they got up from their afternoon naps.  It was a gorgeous afternoon and I figure we need to take advantage of any nice weather while we still have it!  The girls are so much fun now!  I love all of their ages so much.  I like that they can do so much on their own and a lot of times I am just there supervising.  Going to the park (or anywhere) is still quite chaotic, but is much more fun these days!  Enjoy these phone photos from our afternoon out :)  And I hope you get a good laugh out of the video!

On the way to the park!  They are getting a little snug all in the wagon at once!

Hailee thinks she is a big shot climbing up the "big girl" steps.

Hannah LOVES slides!  She isn't afraid of even the biggest ones!

Hailee wanted to walk Chloe home.  It was cute, but I don't think so ;)

This was the evening before when we went for ice cream.  Paul worked late, so I took the girls.  I love that they can all walk up from the car holding hands, and then sit there and eat their own ice cream (or any food for that matter).  They all love being Miss Independent and I have no problem with that!
Ok, so the video will not let me add a caption.  You may want to turn the volume down so you don't hear me cracking up at them.  I really thought this was the funniest thing ever!  Then they just kept plowing into each other over and over again.  They thought is was hilarious and no one ever cried.  Our park adventure sure made my day! 

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