Friday, March 8, 2013

March for Babies!

It's that time of year again....the March of Dimes March for Babies!  Our family (Paul, me, and all three kids) will be walking this walk April 28th.  I loved doing this last year.  Going to and participating in this event sure was a reminder for how lucky we are to have two healthy girls.

As a recap, our identical twin girls were born at 30 weeks gestation, after me being on bedrest for 6 weeks (3 at home and 3 in the hospital).  They had TTTS (twin to twin transfusion syndrome) and we really had no idea what their outcome would be.  Hailee spent 6 weeks in the hospital and Hannah spent 8 before they were ready to come home.  As we realize how blessed we are today, we still constantly pray for their growth and development as they get older. I can only hope that our girls and their story will be an encouragement to other moms with preemies!

I have attached a couple photos of the girls from two years ago and today.  I have also attached the link to our personal page if you would like to help support the research and development for other families with premature babies.

Hailee, at about 3 days old.

Hannah, at about 3 days old.

Hannah, a little over a week old.  Take a look at her diaper.  This was a preemie size (smaller than newborn) and was still huge on her!

Hailee, a little over a week old.

Hannah, about 4 weeks old.

Hailee, about 3 weeks old (right around Valentine's Day).

Finally home together!  Hailee had already been home for 2 weeks while Hannah was still in the hospital.  This was the first day they were home together.

Finally snuggling together again!

Hailee and Hannah today!  Two years old!  Babies, you have come a long way and continue to amaze me every day!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh, seems like a life time ago! They are all such miracles!
