Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Out and about with 3 in tow!

Today was my first time taking all 3 little ones out by myself.  It was difficult, but fun!  I had Hannah and Ella in the double stroller and Hailee in the Baby Bjorn.  We just went to Babies R Us.  I had a couple things to get for the girls along with some gifts for the many baby showers I have coming up.  All 3 girls were really good!  Hannah and Hailee slept the whole time.  Besides Ella taking some rattles off the shelf and out of the package and leaving a trail of french fries through the store, she was good too.  You may notice I let the little things go these days :)  I saw a mom of triplets at the checkout.  Her babies were 6 months old and she said she has never taken them out alone (her mom was with her).  I can't even imagine!  She also has a 4 year old, so I guess 4 at once would be a little much.  I am a mom on the go though...so my kids are now babies on the go!

Hannah and Hailee are doing really well.  We had their 2 month appointment yesterday.  They are both gaining good weight and seem on track developmentally.  They had their first set of vaccines.  I'm glad Paul was able to be there for that.  We had their eye appointment last week to check the progress of the blood vessels for ROP and they are both almost completely mature.  We go back next week and that will hopefully be our last appointment.  We have the girl's neonatology appointment on Thursday.  That will be similar to a regular pediatrician appointment, but with a preemie specialist.  He will just be checking on their development throughout the next couple years to make sure they are on track.  The appointment is supposed to be about an hour per girl.  I really don't like all of these appointments lately, but it is reassuring to keep hearing that things are going well. 

It is just so great how good Ella is doing transitioning with the girls being home.  I don't sense any jealousy or anything.  She runs right down to them in the morning and pats their bellies.  Besides a couple toys or sippy cups in the head at times, she is for the most part gentle with them.  She really loves them a lot!  She laughs at them and babbles at them.  She tries to imitate what I do to the girls with her baby dolls and stuffed animals.  Yesterday she was wrapping donald duck in a blanket and putting him in the boppy.  It was so adorable.  Ella is also so patient.  Generally if I am busy with a baby, I can just talk to her and she can hold off until I can help her with what she needs.  Last night I gave all 3 girls a bath.  Ella had to wait until the babies were done for her turn.  I let her play on the side of the tub and watch us.  Ella loves her baths, so I am sure this was hard for her!  She just stood there playing in the water and then got really excited when I said it was her turn.  I had a lot of water to clean up, but it was worth it for 3 happy, clean babies! 

I am finally better today from mastitis (a breastfeeding infection) that I got on Sunday.  It was awful.  It is flu like symptoms with extreme breast pain.  My fever was from 101-103.5 all day Sunday and Monday.  I called and got an antibiotic on Sunday and then had to follow up at the doctor yesterday.  It was difficult even getting through the days feeling that bad.  Paul let me get a lot of sleep last night, so I think that helped me get better quick.  I had to bring the twins to my appointment with me.  We got to see my doctor that delivered them.  He was so happy to see us and to see how good the girls look. As he said "I paid the toll and won 2 prizes!"

I guess I haven't taken many pictures lately.  Too bad there was no one at BRU today to capture a photo of that!  I will try to take more in the next day or so and post soon.

Hannah and Hailee, sleeping beauties :)

Ella now insists on eating everything on her own.  She won't let us feed her at all, even with utensils.  She was using a spoon to eat her yogurt, but she must not have been getting enough of it at once.  When I looked over she was drinking it.  Notice the yogurt down her bib!

Ella loving on her sissy's

Hailee and Hannah

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