Sunday, March 27, 2011

2 months old already!

Today the twins are two months old.  We just cannot believe it!  Time has flown, especially since the babies have been home.  We are just so busy.  One baby (Ella), no problem, one newborn and a toddler, still had some down time, but two newborns and a toddler, super crazy!  If one baby isn't needing something, chances are the other one is.  If both babies are content then I am spending time caring for and playing with Ella.  My house definitely gets put on the back burner.  I try to remember I still have a husband to care for and spend time with too :) 

At Hannah's first pediatrician appointment on Friday she weighed in at 6lbs 5oz.  She is gaining good weight.  I am still trying to plump her up so that she catches up to Hailee.  Hailee hasn't been weighed since her appointment two weeks ago, but she is definitely getting chubbier.  You can probably tell in pictures which baby has the chubby cheeks!  We had the girls newborn pictures taken yesterday.  They were SO adorable!  The session was about four hours long.  It was hard work getting both of them to sleep soundly and in the right positions.  They were naked for most all of them.  They had different headbands, hats, blankets, etc to add cute detail to the poses.  It was exhausting for the babies and me! I will be sure to show them off in a couple weeks when I get them back. 

We had a long weekend with lots of visitors.  Mom, Leah, and I took the twins and Ella to Babies R Us today for their first trip out all together.  WOW! all I can say!  It was crazy having them all out at once!  It took us about a half hour just to load them into the car.  Mom and I were shopping off of registries for some of the baby showers we have this summer and that was stressful enough.  Babies R Us is not very user friendly for registry shoppers!  Mom and Leah kept laughing about how I am going to look when I am out with all of the little ones alone.  After today, I don't think it will be for a while! 

I am watching Morgan tomorrow to fill in for Kim who is on vacation.  I am excited for Ella to have a friend over to play with.  It will be like having two sets of twins for the day!  Eeek!  I'm sure Morg and Ella will have a blast and get away with a little more than usual :) 

Hailee and Hannah

Hailee and Hannah

Hailee and Hannah. I don't know what they are looking at, but they seem intrigued!

Hailee and Hannah.  Exhausted after their photo session.

Momma and her girls

Ella and her sisters

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