Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Here a twin, there a twin

Everywhere I go, people want to ooh and aah at the twins.  They want to tell me how they know a set of twins, are a twin, have twins, just saw other twins in the same store, or how they've always wanted twins.  They always tell me how adorable Hannah and Hailee are and ask if they are identical.  While I love people telling me how cute they are (as any mom would) it takes us forever to get in and out of anywhere!  I must say though, the girls both love riding in the cart or stroller, so it is nice that they are usually good wherever we go!  I have met a few other twin mom's this way too.  I LOVE meeting other twin moms.  Especially if they have an older toodler too, I feel like I can relate so much to them and that I am not the only crazy one out there venturing around town with twinfants or twinfants plus a toddler in tow! 

Ella has been so loving with her little sisters lately.  I love that the twins are getting bigger and now smile and coo at big sister Ella!

I took Hannah to the doctor this morning because I thought she may have had an ear infection.  She has been screaming while eating sometimes the past few days and that's what Ella would do when she used to get ear infections as an infant.  Turns out she did not have one.  So, who knows what is going on with her.  Maybe she just likes me to have to stand up, bounce her, sing to her, and snuggle with only her so that she'll take the whole bottle.  Hopefully she snaps out of it and I can get back to feeding them both at once very soon!  The good part is, I got her weighed and she is now 10lbs 8oz.  That is over a pound bigger than at her 4 month appointment just 3 weeks ago!  She is trying ever so hard to catch up to her sissy!  Way to go little one!

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