Monday, February 28, 2011

1 month and 1 day old

We can't believe it's been a month already!  As fast as time is going while the girls are still in the hospital, I can't even imagine how it will fly after they come home!

Hannah and Hailee are both doing ok with their feedings.  I wish they were getting there a little bit quicker, but I guess it is normal for them to learn slowly.  Hannah is taking every third feed by bottle and Hailee is taking every other by bottle.  We have heard numerous times that this is the most frustrating part of the NICU stay for parents.  The reason being that the parent knows that once their baby can feed well for a few days to a week then they can come home.  The problem being that feeding is exhausting for the babies, so it can take a while to learn.  Both girls will just get tired and then stop eating or take too long to eat their bottle if they have too many in a row.  The nurses want them to finish a bottle in less than 20 minutes.  With the girls being 35 weeks gestational age this Wednesday, hopefully they will start to pick up a little.  Hailee did nurse last week and did very well.  I was happy with that!  Hailee now weighs 5lbs 6oz and Hannah weighs 4lbs 7oz.  They are really growing quickly! 

I called the NICU at 4:00am this morning when I woke up to pump, and they told me that Hailee may need a blood transfusion.  They said she had her weekly labs come back saying that her blood count was low.  I guess this is fairly common with preemies because their bodies just can't make blood fast enough.  When doctors did their rounds today, they decided not to do the transfusion today and just to watch and make sure she didn't start having spells.  If her oxygen level or heart rate starts to drop, she will need one.  Hopefully she will bounce back on her own and won't need one.  Both girls had a follow up brain ultrasound today that again looked fine.  What a blessing!

I have been sick with a bad cold since Saturday.  Saturday I did go to the hospital (I just had a sore throat that day), but wore a mask when feeding and holding the girls.  Yesterday and today I didn't even go.  It's awful not going.  This is the second time I have been sick (first was with the flu) since the girls have been in the NICU.  The nurses told me from the beginning that if I overdid it with coming to the NICU daily, taking care of Ella, taking care of our house, etc that I would get sick.  I imagine that is what is happening.  Hopefully things will slow down soon when the girls come home and we can all stay well!  As much as it stinks not visiting the NICU daily, it is not worth subjecting the girls to anything!



Hannah, trying to suck her thumb

Hannah, getting hungry!


Hannah falling asleep

Ella having fun with the twin's new stroller :)

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