Sunday, March 6, 2011

Little Hailee: Almost home!

As many of you know, Hailee was supposed to come home today.  However, yesterday she had a heart rate drop and plans changed.  When a baby has a "spell" it sets them back up to 5 days from coming home.  Mom and I went in to visit the girls yesterday afternoon and I could tell my nurse had bad news.  She said Hailee was taking a break from feeding and had a spell.  She said if it wasn't bad that she would've just wrote it off, but she did go pretty low.  I was so upset.  Hailee NEVER has spells!  I guess it was her way of telling us she wasn't quite ready to come home.  Her doctor said she can come home Thursday if she doesn't have any more episodes, but I plan to ask on Tuesday if we can take her home Wednesday.  We really hope to have her home by the end of the week.  Hannah will probably be another week or two.  She is learning to each much slower than Hailee did.  We are really getting anxious to have both girls home.  We cannot wait for Ella to finally meet them! 

Otherwise the girls are doing great!  Hailee never had to have the blood transfusion and her levels are pretty much back to normal.  She passed her hearing test, passed her carseat test, and went into an open crib, all in the past week.  They don't do these things until a baby is ready to come home, so Hannah hasn't met any of these conditions.  Hailee now weighs 6lbs 3oz and Hannah weighs 5lbs 4oz.  They are both wearing mostly newborn clothes now.  They are still baggy, but the preemie ones are too small.  The girls will be 6 weeks old Thursday. 

I had my postpartum appointment last week.  While I was sitting in the waiting room I was talking with two other moms.  One had a 2 year old with her and was expecting her second in August.  She sat there for 10 minutes or so telling us how busy she was going to be and how exhausting it was going to be having 2 under 2.  She was questioning how she was going to deal with potty training, jealousy, sleep deprivation, etc while taking care of a newborn and young toddler.  I just sat there smiling to myself until the other mom asked how old my child/children were.  HA!  When I told them, the woman that had been complaining/bragging (whatever you want to call it) just had this blank stare and neither of them could believe I already have 3 under 2!  Paul and I know we have a challenge ahead of us, but we are ready for the adventure!  We are really excited about having the girls so close in age. 

I don't have many new pictures of the twins, but I do have some cute ones of Ella getting ready for her sisters to come home.

Hailee, big yawn!

Ella putting her twins in one of the girl's new carseats

Ella in the carseat with her twins :)


Daddy and Hailee


Ella having fun pushing her twins around the house

Trying to carry the playmat...

and my favorite of her playing with her baby on the playmat :)

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