Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Updates, other than Ella turning 2 :)

Hailee and Hannah have been doing great! They eat their baby food like champs! I'm talking 1-2 jars per baby per feeding. They eat 5-6 oz. per bottle every 3-4 hours. I have no idea what they each weigh because they haven't been to the doctor in about a month and a half. They are in about 6-12 month clothes now. I just started them in 3-6 month a few weeks ago and they have nearly grown out of them all! Good thing I didn't have very many of that size. Hailee is ever so close to sitting up on her own. She still needs support, and does lean forward but she is almost there. Hannah, not so much. Hopefully soon for her too! The girls will be 6 months adjusted age on October 6th. Since sitting is a 6 month milestone, they are still following their adjusted age. They have until they are two years old to catch up!
Almost a sitter!

Hannah would rather just chill for now ;)

Or eat a toy...

Hailee eats everything is sight as well.
Both girls are still drooling and teething like crazy!

I would say Ella hit the terrible two's before she was two.  She is sure a handful, but most of the time I can't help but laugh at her adorableness!

Ella got this princess dress from the Goff's for her birthday. She wants to wear it every day. 

She LOVES the matching shoes. 

I sometimes hide the dress from her just to prevent a meltdown that day when I
make her take it off and get back in her regular clothes.

One morning I told Ella she had to eat all of her bananas before we went bye bye for the day.  I was happy that next time I came in to the family room they were gone.  This is where I then found the bananas when I went to put Ella's shoes on her.
Surprise, surprise, the squishy face is back!

Ella likes to sit in her Bitty Baby crib.  I guess she just doesn't want to grow up!

Baby dolls are still Ella's favorite toy to play with. 

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