Friday, April 20, 2012

Crib fun!

Here are some photos from earlier today that I thought were too cute not to post!  Sometimes, when I get H&H up from a nap and need to get things done upstairs (like put laundry away) the girls play around up there before we all come downstairs for lunch.

They love all being in the same crib together, jumping up and down!


Smiley Hailee

Hannah and Ella


Ella, head-butting her sisters

Mom is funny!

Staring at big sis...who knows what she is doing!

Silly girl!

Notice the undies...Ella is all potty-trained now!  She has only had about one accident per week the past couple. 
I'm so proud of my big girl!

Really?!  How is this safe??

H&H love taking everything out of drawers!

"We're not doing anything wrong, mom!"

How do I teach them to put things back in the drawers?

Hailee is now a stander too.  Both girls will take a step or two and then get down and start crawling again.
They are SO close to walking!

Hannah still loves her monkey that we got her when she was in the hospital.  She sleeps with it every night and loves playing with it all the time too!

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