Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ella's 2 1/2 year photos

Over the weekend I realized that I had not taken photos of Ella for quite some time.  The last time was when she turned two and Ella was less than cooperative for those.  Running from me in every which way, not looking at the camera, let alone flashing me any type of smile.  So, yesterday morning I put H&H down for their morning nap and set up my mobile photo studio :)  I was SO happy to get some good photos of Ella...and she even smiled for them!  Enjoy the photos below.  They are all so HER!!  I could not love this girl any more!

I did get one decent photo of all three girls once H&H woke up from their naps, but will wait to post that one after our Easter cards go out!

Ella is getting so big!  We are working on potty training "for real" this week.  I keep telling myself I have to stick with it.  Yesterday was the first time she went anywhere out of the house in just undies, first to the park with some friends and then to Target.  I'll update at the end of the week with how it's going :)


  1. I love ALL of them....but my absolute favs are # 4, 6, 7, 8 and 10!! What a big girl...and I love what you've done with her hair! :)

  2. She is so stinkin' cute with all of that pink!!!
