Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Table Manners

In the past couple months, we have made a strict point to all eat together at the table as a family.  When the babies were younger, it was so hard to all eat at once.  Now that everyone is eating table food (and has been for quite some time) and eats at the same time, we all eat together.  This makes it a bit more difficult and hectic during the making dinner stage.  I generally prepare dinner with babies hanging from my legs, fussing for food, and bringing me all sorts of things like paper plates (they can reach these), the remote to turn on the TV, and a whole array of other things to get my attention.  With Ella's poor eating habits, I also think it has helped her to eat a better dinner.  All in all, I think it will be nice that the kids grow up with this habit of all eating together.  I remember eating dinner as a family every night growing up and want our kiddos to do the same!  This evening's dinner had an interesting ending that I thought I'd share:

When Hannah and Hailee were done with their dinner, they started balancing their plates on their heads.  Hailee had it mastered!

So then Ella started balancing her cup on her head.  No she does not normally eat dinner topless or in the baby seat.  We had the extra baby seat out from having friends over this past weekend, and I believe the whole topless thing was just that dinner time so happened to be in between princess dress changes of the evening.

Hailee thought she, Hannah, and Ella were all pretty funny :)

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