Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Happy 3-0 to my dear husband!

Paul's 30th birthday just passed, as of last week.  We had big plans over the weekend (see later post) so we kept his actual birthday quite low key.  However, celebrating such a big milestone I did want to surprise him with some things throughout the day :)

I must first mention the surprise that my mom had started the day off with.  Paul was getting ready for work and noticed something out in our yard.  It was a bunch of cows and a yard sign!  Oh my gosh!  Really?!  How embarrassing!  After, oh about 30 seconds of thought we knew they had to be from my mom.  My mom was just waiting to get Paul back for the AARP sign he hung on the front door for her recent 50th celebration.  Well, I think you showed him up, mom!  We all headed out front for some photos before Paul had to get off to work.  Ella loved the cows.  She thought they were halarious!  We went out a few more times throughout the day to admire them again.  We then spent the next few days with neighbors yelling over "Happy 30th birthday Paul!!"  There was nothing to hide after the cow presentation :)

My surprises were on a smaller scale.  First, I had some Cheryl and Co cookies sent to Paul's office in a birthday tin.  Then, I had hid a card in his laptop case with a card from me with a gift certificate to an hour massage with an appointment made for him after work.  Yes, somewhat girly you may think but Paul has had some pretty major back pain lately so it seemed to fit.  Plus I had swim lessons with the twins that evening so it gave Paul something to do while I was gone for that hour as well. The girls and I had decorated the house with balloons and bought Paul an ice cream cake.  My brother came over to watch the girls and Paul and I went to get a quick bite to eat.  It was such a nice day.  Paul said he loved all of his surprises! 

I am really proud of my husband and what he's accomplished over the past 30 years.  I look forward to what the next 30 hold for us!

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