Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Our little soccer player

Ella started taking soccer about two months ago.  I'll be honest, the first few practices were pretty much train-wrecks.  When I say train-wrecks, I mean it.  I'm talking rolling on the floor, whining, running around when not instructed to, I could go on and on.  Soccer is the first sport that Ella has been in with a coach, more structured instruction, and some (few) expectations.  As the practices (they don't have games this young) go on, Ella has gotten better and better.  It is actually somewhat enjoyable to take her to soccer now and watch her play.  She can make goals, run when instructed to, follow obstacle courses, and dribble the ball.  I can't say that I don't still have to bribe her with some ice cream afterwards once and a while, but all in all she is improving.  I hope Ella's love for soccer keeps growing! 

Walking out on the field

YAY Ella!

Making a goal!

I really don't know what was going on here...

or here.

Ella tickling her friend Adelynn.  They are SO cute together!

Running laps!

"Come on Addie, let's go run!"

The best part of soccer (or gymnastics, or any other sport we have done) is getting stamps at the end!


  1. Love it! I hope she keeps playing!!

  2. LOL that some of the girls are lifting their shirts for the stickers!!! I see Ella's on her hand....good girl. :)
