Wednesday, September 19, 2012

4 Years

Last Thursday was mine and Paul's 4 year anniversary.  It seems like longer than 4 years ago that we started this journey together as husband and wife.  Maybe it's because a lot has happened in that short amount of time?  It's probably more like because a lot of kids happened in that short amount of time!  Ha!  Ok, not a lot but 3 in 4 years is probably more than the average.  :)

I can honestly say that I cannot imagine even one day without Paul in my life.  He is my everything.  He is my support.  He is my partner and my very best friend.  He holds things together when I'm about to lose it.  He is such a great daddy to our little girls.  I could really go on and on.  I look forward to a lifetime of memories to be made with my husband.

We are both hoping that next year we can take a short getaway for the big 5 year celebration.  The past few years have been spent doing, you know, the usual...delivering babies, planning and celebrating birthday parties (Ella's birthday is only one day after our anniversary), and having more babies.  We did get out for dinner this year though, which was very nice. 

I decided to post some wedding photos of Paul and I.  This decision was mostly based on the fact that we have barely no recent photos of the both of us!  Maybe that should be a goal for the upcoming year:  to take more photos of us to go with the hundreds that I take of our children!  Enjoy!

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