Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First "practice" day of preschool

Today was Ella's first practice day of preschool.  Basically, it was just half the class with all of their parents.  We had SO MUCH fun and think Ella is going to love school!  She has lots of nice kids in her class and the teachers seem great!  Their day seems like it will be action packed and super fun and different every day!  There is another Ella in her class, and an Ellie.  I'd say Ella was a bit confused with the other Ella, but we will now just have to teach her that her name is Ella C.  Ella was introducing herself to new friends, happy and playing the whole time, and even raised her hand to answer a couple questions that the teachers were asking during circle time.  Ella was also the only one crying when we said it was time to go home.  She wanted to stay at school!  There were kids saying they were not going to come without mommy next week, but not ours.  She wanted us gone and her to stay!  I'm hoping the transition next week is a smooth one.  By the looks of today, we shouldn't have a problem at all! I didn't bring my camera today, but took some phone photos to share.  I'll be sure to get some good photos next week of Ella on her "real" first day of school!

Here are the girls this morning, all ready for Ella's first day!  They had childcare at the school for Hannah and Hailee, so that was really nice!  That way Paul and I could both be with Ella.

Showing her Ella C name tag!

Playing in the touch table.  They fill this with different things each week like these rocks, sand, balls, etc.  All I kept thinking is "What a mess!"

Making her first school craft!  She is in the butterfly class so they made butterflies to hang on the fridge!

I took some room photos because I thought the room was set up so cute! 
Notice the dress up clothes hanging on the rack.  I'm sure Ella will have more than her fair share of time in this area!  The baby dolls and kitchen will also be a huge hit!

The front bulletin with the birthday calendar, weather bear, helpers of the week, etc.

All of the little boys went right to this train, Lego, and block area.  Too cute!

We are so excited for our sweet Ella!  Yay for preschool!!!

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