Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Toddler Tantrums

I'll bet you can't guess who this post will be about?  Yep, that's right, it's our (usually) laid back, easy going baby Hailee.  Hailee has this new thing going on in the past two weeks or so where she is throwing these terrible tantrums!  If she gets mad about something (generally following me saying "Hailee we can't go back outside again right now", or "Time for night-night girls", or "We can't go bye-bye right now") she literally throws whatever is in her hand (paci, toy, food, etc) runs into a corner, throws herself on the ground, starts kicking her feet and pounding her fists on the ground, all while screaming and crying.  When I try to pick her up she straightens her body and fights for me to let her go.  I don't usually pick her up, as I have just been ignoring the extreme behavior but when others' are around or it's time to go upstairs or something I do pick her up and take her to where I am wanting her to go.  Ella and Hannah just sit there staring at her in awe as if they are saying "What in the heck is wrong with our sissy?!"  I have never seen anything like it.  Ella never threw tantrums and Hannah hasn't either, at least yet.  It is utterly embarrassing when it happens around others and I really don't know how to control it other than to ignore her.  Is that the right thing to be doing?  Who knows!   If you have experience with this sort of toddler tantrums, please leave a comment and help a mama out!  In the meantime, enjoy these other (mostly joyful) photos from this past week!

I got these pajamas for the girls over the summer on a super-duper clearance at Carter's.  They were only $2.99/each!  Good thing because when I put them on them they were all so snug (I had bought their summer sizes, clearly should've bought bigger for all!)!  Their bellies puffing out of the zebra print all evening was hilarious!  I don't know how many more times they will get to squeeze into them, if ever.

Hugs for sisters!

I got the girls these slippers at the twin sale last weekend.  They were all brand new and only $1-$3 per pair.  They love them and wear them all day and evening when we are at home.  So cute!  (Maybe this post should've been called Bargain Shopper)

Bedtime snack in their slippers :)

For whatever reason H&H like to sit by the doors in our house and eat snacks.  They sit by this garage door at times and also by the back sliding door, right next to each other while eating.  Strange but cute!

I couldn't decide whether to post this photo or the previous one so I posted both :)

I started a new thing where I tape down a coloring page on H&H's high chair, give them a couple crayons, and let them color.  They actually color now and don't just eat the crayons.  Plus, it gives me 20 minutes or so that I don't have to worry about what they are doing or getting in to.

We just started wearing these new coats this past week.  They are obsessed with them to say the least.  We came home late the other evening and Hailee had one of her tantrums when I took hers off of her.  Sorry babe, you can't wear the coat to bed!  Then yesterday they saw them on top of the table and fussed and reached until I put them on.  They wore them for over an hour around the house before it was time to go get Ella from school.  Whatever!  I choose my battles with these girls and their big sis these days!

Happy in their coats!

This was Hailee yesterday afternoon, crying because we came inside from playing.  Note this was a good 20 minutes after we came in and we had been out for an hour and a half!  This was after the kicking and screaming on the ground, when the tantrum was settling down.

Poor Hannah was scared of what Hailee was doing, so she backed herself in the corner and started crying too.  Let's just say it was anything but quiet in our house at this time!

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