Thursday, March 24, 2011

Finally, our family of 5 is home together!

Hannah came home yesterday morning. I picked her up in the morning with Paul, Ella, and Hailee in the car. The nurses were all so happy for us, giving us hugs and wishing us well on our way out. I will actually miss some of them that I have gotten to know well these past 2 months. Hannah was in the NICU for 55 days and Hailee for 43.

The past day has just been amazing! The girls are just adorable together! They make all the same faces, same noises, everything about them is the same. Hailee is still a little less than a pound bigger, but once Hannah catches up I think it will be hard to tell them apart.  In the NICU it seemed as if they were two separate babies since they were never together but now having them together really puts in perspective that we have twins. It is truly the greatest blessing ever! They are so comfortable together and seem at peace when they are snuggled up next to one another. Ella loves them too. She keeps smiling and laughing at them. It is too cute!

It is difficult feeding them at the same time, but I assume I will get better at it with time. When one has to burp I have to stop feeding the other, which doesn't make her happy. I did tandem nurse a couple times now and that is pretty difficult! It was a strange feeling nursing two at once! They did ok sleeping their first night through.  They slept from about midnight until 2:30am in their cribs, got up to eat, decided it would be fun to stay up until about 5:00am and finally drifted off to sleep in my arms (yes, both of them:) until about 8:00am.  It is just the best feeling ever to hold both of them at once. 

Tomorrow we have Hannah's first pediatrician appointment and Hailee has to get blood labs drawn at Children's Hospital to check her anemia.  It will be interesting getting out of the house with both of them.  We have someone coming over Saturday to take their newborn pictures and a few of the twins and Ella.  I cannot wait!

Most of the pictures I have already posted on Facebook so some of you may have already seen.

Finally home together!

All snuggled up

Hannah and Hailee

Mommy juggling both babies

Daddy and all 3 of his little girls

Hannah and Hailee

Ella checking out her new baby sisters

Love this one of Hailee hugging Hannah

Hailee and Hannah

1 comment:

  1. YIPEE!!!!!

    What great pictures. I'm so glad you're all home and you don't have to make that trip to OSU anymore! Our 46 days at Riverside was more than enough for a lifetime - I can't imagine another week plus. You're such a trooper!

    Can't wait to meet the girls!
