Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Together again!

Hannah is finally home and we are just thrilled to have our family all at home again.  She was released yesterday late afternoon.  Paul was at the hospital with her so he got to do the honor of bringing her home.  Ella, Hailee, and I were anxiously waiting their arrival.

When Hannah got home, she was so happy to see us!  She gave a big smile when they walked through the door.  She just melted my heart.  I held her for a while, and then like I said I would, I took her right up to the tub!  I had already spent ALL DAY cleaning and sanitizing our home, so might as well have a clean baby too:)  Poor Hannah was all tuckered out after the bath.  She was pretty much exhausted all night last night.  We put her to bed at 7:15am and she slept until 9:00am this morning!  We kept checking on her all night to make sure she was ok.  She must have just been happy to be back in her own bed. 

It will take Hannah a while to be back where she was before this whole episode.  The occupational therapist said it normally takes three days to every one day a child was on the ventilator for them to get back to their "normal" motor development.  I do not think it will take nearly that long, as Hannah was already crawling around today and did stand up to the couch once.  However, she gets tired very easily and wants held a lot more than she normally does.  It's totally fine with me, as she lost a lot of snuggle time that we need to catch up on! 

Hannah is still on medication to wean her from her sedation medication.  We have to give each dose precisely, at very specific times.  We even have to wake her if the medication is due while she is sleeping.  We have a follow up with our pediatrician on Friday.  I am anxious to see how much Hannah weighs now.  She doesn't seem much different in size, but I'm sure she had to have lost some weight during her long hospital stay.

Paul took this photo in the hospital once Hannah was strapped in and ready to go.  What a little sweetie!

Ella loved Hannah coming home with lots of balloons that she received during her hospital stay!  You can tell she was in there for a long time because some of them were already deflating :(

This is the best photo I could get of all three girls.  Hailee took Hannah's paci and Hannah was not happy about it.  Then Hannah fell over and we decided that was enough photos for the night!

I tried and tried to get a smile today while Hannah was waiting for her lunch...

and she finally gave me this little half-grin :) 

Ella and I ran some errands today to get some things done before Paul goes back to work tomorrow.  We went to a bakery to get a cake for mom and Ryan's birthdays tomorrow.  I got Ella this cake roll thing there and thought it would be a good idea to let her eat it in the car.  As you can tell, I was mistaken.  What a mess!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for a family reunited!!!! :)

    OMG-Ella and the cake! LOL
