Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Wean baby, wean!

Hannah had such a good day yesterday. She came down on some more vent settings. She was nice and comfy (well, as comfy as you can look with a tube down your throat) when I left her late afternoon. Paul met me at the hospital for the night shift. He called me at home at about 8:00pm and said Hannah had a fever. Nooooooooooo!!! I was so upset. She hadn't had a fever in over 3 days. This meant her little body was trying to fight off yet another infection. They did blood work to find out what it could be. The poor girl, seems like she just can't get ahead.

Paul called me at 12:30am and said it was another breathing tube infection (she had another breathing tube infection earlier last week that she had already fought off). I'm willing to bet it was from all of the pointless moving of the tube done early yesterday morning. They put her on antibiotics (more of them) and decided they would continue to try to wean her from the vent. They made a couple changes last night and a couple more this morning. She now only needs about 2 more moves before they can talk about extubating. Thank you Lord!

I'm here with her tonight and she is sitting (laying) pretty. We have a good nurse tonight and that can make the world of difference. Some of her nurses are really starting to love on her. They have asked to see photos of her and her sisters. They keep saying they can't wait until she is extubated and not sedated so they can see her smile and listen to her blab. Hannah gets compliments all the time about her sweet round face, long eyelashes, bright blue eyes, and orange hair. Funny, Hailee used to get the exact same compliments up on her floor :) The other day Hannah's respiratory therapist's said that she "is like the girl in high school that he would have a crush on but would be afraid to tell her because of how feisty she was". Our Hannah is a fighter. There is no doubt about that. And if she gets mad about a nurse moving her around a lot, she'll just poop on them. Literally. Hannah has had more blow outs here than ever before. It's a running joke about how loud she poops and the amount that comes out of this little girl.

I am dying at this point to see my sweet girl's smile. I am really hoping it is soon. I tear up just thinking about it. She is my super smiley, always active, never fussy, ever moving baby. Her laying here like this is not how she should be. At home with Ella and Hailee has been so quiet. We all miss our Hannah and want her home. Ella has been asking about her. I just keep saying that Hannah is at the doctor and will be home soon. I wonder what Ella will think next time we go to the doctor.

Please keep praying for Hannah. We appreciate the prayers more than anything. We are so incredibly blessed with family and friends that are here for us, pray for us, love us, and care for us and our babies during this time.


  1. Good luck today Hannah. We are all praying for you to get out of there and get back home with your family.
