Thursday, January 26, 2012

Baby Miracles

As my babies will turn one year old TOMORROW (how did that happen??), I have been reflecting back on when they were born and where we were a year ago.  I really don't think about our time in the hospital very much at all.  I don't like to think about it...ever.  It gets me too upset to go back and look at photos of the girls when they were first born.  I feel like I have really blocked out that couple months of our lives.  It is pretty hazy, which is probably a good thing.  If you just started following my blog and would like to see how far the girls have come, take a look at this page. 

I used to frequent The Bump Preemie Board before I had my babies.  I wanted to be as prepared for what my babies would look like and what they would go through as I could.  I honestly have not been on this board in maybe 8 months.  I would look for specific questions shortly after the girls came, but that too faded once they got older.  I took a look this morning and found this awesome post.  It's a  Then and Now post.  Take a look at this and you will be honestly amazed.  These babies are all such miracles!  I had goose bumps looking at all of these photos.  What amazing, precious, little gifts from God all of these babies are!

Here is a Then and Now photo of each of my girls:

Hailee at four days old.  Born at 30 weeks gestation, weighing 3lbs 10oz.

Hailee at one year old, weighing 21lbs.

Hannah at two days old.  Born at 30 weeks gestation, weighing 3lbs. 

Hannah at one year old, weighing 19lbs.

Hannah and Hailee <3


  1. We are so, so blessed with these little ones. I don't like to think about all that time in the hospital either. Can't believe they are a year old. The time went so fast!

  2. They both are so adorable, and you are a very big inspiration to other mothers! Thank you for sharing your amazing story! Gives me hope :)
