Monday, January 9, 2012

Bumps, bruises, dog food, and date night

Now that Hannah and Hailee are standing up to things more, they are getting more bumps and bruises than ever!  I feel like one of my kids always have some battle wound on their head at any given time.  This past week we've had doors being smashed into one's head, the fridge being opened into one, babies falling on toys, babies falling into toys, fingers (almost) smashed in drawers...I could go on and on.  I guess it comes with the age, but geesh I don't remember Ella getting hurt so much!  Then again, the opening of drawers and doors into babies is generally caused by Ella.  We are getting more safety things for the house this week.  I am scared to death of Ella opening the basement door to go play and a baby darting for the door like they normally do and plummeting down the stairs. 

I do have one funny, well disgusting, story from last week that I must share.  Hailee LOVES Chloe's dog bowl.  Ever since she could get around, she would crawl over to it and plop her little hands right in the food and/or water.  There were two times that I found a piece of dog food in her mouth. Yes, I know what you're thinking.  We started putting it up on the counter and bringing it down only when Chloe has to eat...and while the girls are napping.  One morning last week Paul was showering for work, H&H were playing good, and I needed to shower because some friends were coming over for a play date.  Paul was almost done, so I went up, told him I was getting in the shower and to hurry up and get downstairs to watch the girls.  As soon as I got all wet in the shower, I remembered leaving Chloe's food out the night before and not putting it up after.  I ran out of the shower, told Paul to run down there and check.  It was too late!  He ran back up and told me Hailee had gotten into it, she was soaked, but he had to go to catch a meeting.  UGH!!!!  I came downstairs to both girls at the steps waiting for me....both of them with dog food on their faces, water all over their sleepers, and the dog water all over the floor from them crawling all around after getting in it.  So, before 9:00am that day I had showered myself, fed the girls, bathed both girls, and mopped the entire downstairs.  Oh, then Ella got up from all of the commotion and wanted a bath too.  Then I made lunch and hosted a play date.  Needless to say, Chloe's food and water bowls are now upstairs in our master bathroom.  Poor Chloe, just one more reason for her to hide out in our room all the time.

Enjoy these photos from the past week!

Ella has not been good with sharing lately. 
Notice her face when I yelled at her about letting her sisters play too.

I can't explain why Ella has no shirt on.  Could've been a number of things...

Hannah and Hailee

Hannah and Hailee stand up to the ottoman now to eat their snacks. 

Ella, of course, has to butt right in the middle and shovel as many in as she can before the babies eat them all!

I can never get a photo of them both looking at the camera.  Hailee looking in this one...

And Hannah in this one.

Just playing :)

I love these little outfits!

Hannah Faith

Ella the artist!

Doesn't her hair look like an artist?  Haha :)
I am going to add some flare to my blog.  I think it is getting somewhat boring.  Watch for a new look in the upcoming week or so!  I am also going to try to blog about things other than my kids once and a while.  I would like to include other things like product reviews, recipes, decor ideas, etc.  We will see how that goes.

With that being said, Paul and I had date night this past Saturday thanks to Uncle Ryan!  We saw The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  I had read the book and loved it.  The movie was fantastic!  It was a long one, running two and a half hours.  If you know me, you know it must have been good for me to stay awake through that!  The book, like most books made in to movies, was much more detailed.  The movie was pretty much exactly like the book, but in fast forward.  The movie is rated R for a reason, I will say that.  However, I definitely recommend it!  Oh, and time just Paul and I was just as awesome :)

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