Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year 2012

I cannot believe it is 2012.  I still remember all of the hype and excitement for New Year's 2000.  Paul and I were just talking about how New Year's 2005 was our first "date" in Chicago.  Now fast forward to 2012 and my how our lives have changed!  Ringing in the new year now consists of having to come home early to put fussy babies to bed, and barely staying awake for the clock to turn midnight.  Well, not really the ladder part, thanks to good neighbor friends :)  I must say, I will never forget New Year's 2011 though....BEDREST.   I was just looking at photos from last year around this time.  Laying on the couch, pillow in between my legs trying to relieve the pressure on my hips, moving side to side, trying to get comfortable.  My body hurts just thinking about it.  I will say, I had about 100x's more fun last night than last year. 

2011 was full of ups and downs for us.  Being put on hopsital bed rest the second week of January.  Our sweet twin baby girls being born over two months early.  Leaving our babies in the hospital when I was discharged.  Driving back and forth to and from the hospital for two months  The uncertainty of how things at the beginning would go for H&H.  Finally bringing the girls home in March and being so scared and nervous of illnesses and caring for such small, premature babies.  The craziness (literally) of getting used to caring for three children under the age of two. Starting my own business.  Paul's work getting crazy busy and much more demanding of his time.  Joining and becoming members of Linworth Church.  Our little Ella turning two!  My nose getting broken and then surgery to fix it.  Whew, I'm exhausted just trying to remember everything!

I am really looking forward to 2012.  We have some exciting things to look forward to this year.  In January our baby girls turn ONE!, in February we go to Disney, in May we go to Vegas with the Kelly's (Paul won this vacation from work which makes it even better), also in May Paul turns 30!  I have a lot of goals and things that I want to do or try to do better this year.  I want to have more date nights. I want to grow my photography business (I would LOVE to attend a workshop done by a photographer I admire).  I want to organize my home.  I want to volunteer more.  I want to start some sort of activity or hobby by myself...for alone time..something I rarely get :)  I want to get involved in ministry at our church.  I want to cook more meals (something I used to do all the time, but have recently strayed from for convenience). I want to be the best wife, mom, family member, and friend that I can be.  I know that may sound cliche, but I really do!

I got a new tripod for Christmas, so we were trying it out for a New Year's family photo. 

Since Paul and I were each holding a baby, Ella had to be holding her baby too :)

This is my favorite one from our mini photo session.  Love Ella's face!

Happy New Year!  Yeah right, this was at about 7:00p.m. :)

Babies on New Year's.  Hailee would not leave Alexa's tiara alone!

Poor little Lex!  She can't see!

And the shoot was over with at this point!


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