Wednesday, January 18, 2012

H&H's One Year Developmental Assessment

We had Hannah and Hailee's one year developmental assessment yesterday at Children's Hospital.  At the beginning of the appointment, was an assessment by a physical therapist for each girl.  I held Hannah during her testing and Paul held Hailee.  Both girls did phenomenal!  They did little exercises like take the blocks out of the cup and then put them back in, pick out objects when prompted (a baby doll, ball, cup, and book were sitting there and the therapist would tell them which on to go for.  I was AMAZED that the girls knew what was what), find a ring when it was hidden under a washcloth and not under the other one, color with crayons (still some eating going on with these, but Hannah did rub it on the paper after she was shown how to), and run the car along the table (not just eat it).  I was so happy that the girls were doing so well during the testing.  I had to hold tears back a couple times watching the girls follow right along with the therapist's lead.  It was so relieving to watch them do so well.  It was very nerve wracking going through this process knowing the girls have every reason to be behind schedule.  The therapist then brought the girls on the floor to watch them sit, crawl, stand, and cruise.  Hannah was all over this exercise, as she is the adventurous one!  Hailee, not so much.  She sat, then crawled over to me and started fussing for me to pick her up.  She was over it at this point!  Overall, Hannah scored as a full-term baby would as a 12 month old.  Hailee scored as a 12 month old in all areas except the gross motor she scored at 11 months because she wouldn't cruise for them (which she does not do at home yet either).  I was so incredibly proud of my little girls. 

We then went in to see the doctor for the physical check up.  Hailee weighed in at 20lbs15oz (53%), and was 28in (29%) long.  Hannah weighed in at 18lbs6oz (26%), and was 27in (15%) long.  Both girls are growing great and there are no concerns there.  However, Hailee's head is growing at a rapid pace.  Her head is in the 99%.  I always knew she had a big head, but never really thought anything of it.  The doctor was a little concerned that it is growing so fast, so they wanted to send us for a head ultrasound to make sure there wasn't any fluid around her brain.  I told her I wanted to get it done yesterday while we were there, Paul had off work, and Ella was at a friend's house.  She left the room and was gone for about a half hour.  She came back, said she spoke in length to the neurosurgeon and that she saw no need for the head ultrasound at this point.  Hailee's weight is growing at the same pace as her head, so that was good.  We go to the regular pediatrician in exactly a month, so if her head grows over 1cm between now and then, we will then have to get the head ultrasound.  I confirmed with the doctor again that she had no concerns for Hailee before we left.  She said Hailee probably just has a big head, and that Hannah will too once she catches up.  She said she always errs on the side of caution and that she really thought that she is just perfect, just with a big head :)  Both girls had two head ultrasounds shortly after birth, so the chance of something being wrong at this point is very slim.  However, keep little Hailee in your prayers until we get her next head measurement in a month from now! 

Strolling through Children's, ready for their one year appointment! 

I tried to get a cute photo of them on the exam table, but as you can see they had other more important things to focus on!

Waiting for the doctor...

Children's always gives the girls age appropriate toys at the end of each visit.  They got this Melissa and Doug puzzle and bin of linking toys this time.  Last time we just got some little rattles, so the girls were pretty excited about this stuff!

Ella helped Hailee finish the puzzle.  Hailee takes the pieces out and Ella puts them back in.  Cute!

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