Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Our twin's twins

We visited a family yesterday that we had met in the NICU shortly after our girls were born about a year ago.  This family is so similar to ours, as they have a toddler and identical twin girls as well.  I met this mom in the pumping room while we both were visiting our girls one day.  They have one bigger baby and one smaller baby too, as their girls had the same exact syndrome that mine did.  The little ones:  both more adventurous, easy going, and picky eaters.  The bigger ones:  both more cautious, high maintenance little princesses, and will eat anything...even if it means stealing from their sister's high chair tray!

The adventurous ones:  Hannah and Pearl.

You're probably wondering why Hannah has on a Birthday shirt.  Well, this is after she ate some broccoli and puked it and lots more up all over her own outfit.  We borrowed her friend's birthday shirts because their birthday was last week. 

All four even have the same hair style!

Hannah was over it at this point.  I love that their toddler is the only one that would look at the
camera and smile throughout this whole thing.
The cautious ones:  Malorie and Hailee.

  Miles and Malorie and hammin it up and Hailee is hot-doggin it up!
It was nice to spend time with another mom that has literally been through everything in the past year that we have with our girls.  There are other families out there surviving with lots of little kiddos so close in age...they are just few and far between!

1 comment:

  1. The first thing I thought: They have equally as much (or little) hair! ;-)
